Show notes and Transcript
We are joined this episode by Lisa Dunnington who is one of the founders of The Peoples Health Alliance and she is here to discuss 'My Medical Choice' which is a new initiative that aims to provide a comprehensive emergency medical alert system and more.
Do you have medical conditions, allergies, and/or take drugs that may interfere with emergency treatment or surgery?
Do you worry about what would happen if you or a family member were unconscious and unable to discuss treatment options?
Do you want to protect you and your family from unwanted medical procedures, including blood transfusions & vaccinations, in case of an emergency or accident?
Tune in to understand how 'My Medical Choice' can protect you & your loved ones in these times of medical tyranny & misinformation.
The annual membership is £25 but you can receive a 20% discount off your 1st year using the code PHAMMC.
Connect with The Peoples Health Alliance and My Medical Choice...
Tickets for The PHA Gala Dinner 29th September 2023 The Queens Hotel Leeds:
Interview recorded 17.8.23
*Special thanks to Bosch Fawstin for recording our intro/outro on this podcast.
Check out his art and follow him on GETTR and Twitter
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(Hearts of Oak)
Hello, Hearts of Oak, and welcome to another interview coming up in a moment with Lisa Dunnington. She is co-founder of PHA, People's Health Alliance, and we've had Catherine Macbean on before, who is the other founder. But Lisa joins us to discuss My Medical Choice, and this is something that has been set up to make sure your medical wishes are respected and they are down on file. Many of us no longer trust our health system, our NHS. Many people are afraid to even go and see their doctor because they don't know what will happen there. And this, as Lisa says, provides the ultimate insurance policy. It provides an emergency medical alert system, whereby if you're in an accident, an emergency, your wishes are already down there and they must be followed, and also the safe blood system.
It is wonderful to have you with us. Thank you so much for joining us today.
(Lisa Dunnington)
Thank you for having me. I'm honoured to be here.
Not at all. We're doing this probably a few days before, and obviously Lisa, co-founder of PHA, People's Health Alliance, and that's the website there,, and she's a chartered accountant by profession and we're going to get into My Medical Choice.
But before we do that, Lisa, could I ask you to take a moment and introduce yourself and then what kind of led you up to the point of deciding that something like PHA was needed?
Oh, that's a good question. It's funny, isn't it? You look back on the last three and a a half years and go, blimey, did that all really happen? And in some respects, it's gone so fast. But then in others, I kind of have to keep going, OK, was that 20 or 21? And, you know, so it's been quite the journey for us all, hasn't it? I am, as you say, by trade, I'm a chartered accountant, I've had a long career, corporate career, which has taken me around the world and seen lots of things and but all very corporate.
So quite a contrast to where I'm at now. So the, a little bit of background on my mental health, which was affected after I had my second child, my son, who's now nearly 18, but I was diagnosed with postnatal depression at that point. So I ended up on antidepressants for 13 years. So I know we're going to touch on mental health later, but it, really opened up my eyes when I stumbled across CBD probably about five years ago and managed to understand the benefits that it gave me and I weaned myself off the antidepressants. It's only then that you kind of look back and go, whoa, they just dumbed me down for 13 years. You know, I was trying to get through raising two young children, et cetera, and that was one of the coping mechanisms. I'm the only one that was presented to me by my doctor. So this is the relevance really to how I've ended up where I am, I guess. So that was the start of my awakening, because it really was an awakening from being dumbed down. I think I'd always been, prior to to that quite spiritual, but I kind of lost that and did all the other stuff that raising the children, et cetera.
So then woke up again and that just led, as soon as the pandemic hit, day one, no, sorry.
I'm not buying any of that. We were actually in Australia in the Christmas, new year of 2019.
So it was already over there then, well, we have the crazy forest fires in Sydney that were going on.
I'm glad you got back.
I know, can you imagine? Oh my God, I can't imagine the worst place in the world to be, but the rumblings had already started over that side of the world and I'm thinking, nah, I'm not having any of that, that's nonsense.
Got home and then obviously by March 2020, it had really come to fruition here, but never bought into it from day one. So my focus from that point on was my children.
I've got two children still in school and I just knew I had to protect them, and all our children.
It's always been about the kids for me. So I was joining different groups.
I was helping to send letters out to schools and doctor surgeries and about masks and all that kind of stuff.
We went through it all, didn't we? So that was my way of, I guess, coping, which with what I could see was so clearly, something that had been created for a different purpose.
So, yeah, I just had to cope with it that way and try and help my children as best as I could.
By doing that and doing different, joining different groups, I eventually, probably in, I think it was December 21, came across Amanda and Katherine, and we all shared the same vision.
We knew that the NHS was clearly failing and we needed to do something about it, especially as they were now talking about, mandating certain things for NHS staff and they were leaving in their droves and it just became such an issue, didn't it, that we could see what was coming. So a few of us got together, we all had the same vision and we wanted to create that backup to the failing NHS and also to bring it back to community. We need to bring things back to community, decentralise and, just, give people their power back. It was about that. It was about educating people.
Giving them the power back and giving them a fully integrated, integrative approach to healthcare. So holistic and allopathic. So that's how we launched and we launched in April 22.
So it's coming up to 18 months, I guess, or it's 15, 16 months now.
And it's just been incredible. Sorry, I'm going on a bit, aren't I? So that's how I ended up doing, how I ended up being involved in the People's Health Alliance.
Because a lot of people, I guess, and I get you the whole thing with kids, my two boys, and I'm thinking, well, how do they grow up? It's one thing if you're kind of alone doing your own thing but you've got responsibilities and you think how does this affect them but I guess many people certainly when I had conversations say something needs to be done on many areas and, many people thought something should be done, very few people actually do something and what the PHA,
It's something that's so needed especially with the absolute mistrust of our government our health system, our food system, our everything, and I kind of was concerned that nothing would happen in the UK, that it would be the Americans that would have the money and the drive to start something and poor us in Blighty would be left behind. But what you've built is essential and important. So, I mean, just, again, we've had Katherine on before and talking about the PHA, but remind people what the PHA is and then we'll jump on to and talk about My Medical Choice.
Yeah, so the People's Health Alliance, our vision was to, as I say, bring an integrative healthcare service at community level and empower people to take that responsibility for their healthcare decisions and that's the thing. People have given away their power And My Medical Choice is very similar.
It's to educate. So what we do is we educate, we facilitate, and we collaborate with other great grassroots movements that do wonderful things.
So it's about empowering the individual to decide, OK, if I go to my doctor, he's going to tell me to take this.
And then I'll take something else for the side effects of that.
And before you know it, you're on a whole cocktail of pharmaceuticals.
So this just gives different options. And we do, in terms of education, we have workshops.
We bring together different practitioners who may have a different view on a malady, but we bring everybody together to discuss different options, and then people can choose.
And whatever resonates with them, they can then look into in more detail.
But, it's making people aware that they do have choices and they do have rights.
People don't understand their medical rights, bodily autonomy. So that's why we're so aligned with My Medical Choice. And you know, you're right, there's all different areas to this, because it is all about community. If we don't do it at a community level, we can't make it happen. It needs to decentralize. But we are now becoming the People's Alliance.
So six months after the People's Health Alliance, we launched the People's Food and Farming Alliance.
Next, we're looking at education. It's the whole package, everything that the community needs.
But we need to give it back to people to return the power back to the communities, so that they can address the needs of the people in their community.
Because we don't know. We can provide platforms. we can provide blueprints, et cetera, to help people get started.
But I think you're right. People have wanted to do this for a long time.
And that became so clear when Katherine did the first interview in June 22, I think it was, just three months after we launched with Pam Gregory.
That went overnight. PHA just became an international thing.
And it was like, it literally just exploded. So we now have PHA in six different continents, you know, and things are really driving forward in Australia, New Zealand.
We're really getting going in the US, but what surprised us with the US, and you mentioned that, you thought they'd be driving this.
We struggle because I think that the mentality there is to hold on to things. No, that's mine. I came up with that.
Whereas what we do is we share everything freely. It's our strapline for the people by the people, and it truly is.
But after that Pam Gregory interview, we got so many emails.
I mean, hundreds and hundreds of people all around the world saying, this is something I've wanted to do for 20 years.
I've seen that this is what we need.
Thank you for making it happen. And that's what happens. We've not done anything. We've just started that ball rolling and brought people together and it's working fantastically and people really are taking responsibility now. So yeah, it's exciting.
Let's go on to My Medical Choice. There is the website. I guess for me, it took maybe six weeks or so to waken up, whenever it all first happened.
There was a level, and I think most Brits have a level of trust in our institutions.
I mean, talk to someone who's been through communism, it's very different, but actually general trust in our institutions, that has disappeared.
The last thing any of us want to do is go to your doctor. So tell us why My Medical Choice is needed.
Kind of what gap does it fill?
Do you know, for me, I actually found My Medical Choice pretty much as soon as they launched.
It was around October 21.
And for me, it was just the ultimate insurance policy because it gave me so much peace of mind.
I mean, I didn't sleep much and I don't think many of us did, that were aware.
Because of my children.
And oh my gosh, what's gonna happen if something should, you know, we're in an accident or whatever. So when this came along, I just thought, this is it.
This is the ultimate insurance policy.
And we've now partnered with My Medical Choice and together we've taken it from where it was when it launched to really, it's the all singing, all dancing, best protection, I believe, that you can give to you and your loved ones.
So it basically, it enables you to protect your bodily autonomy and it gives you the tools and the education to understand what your rights are, in terms of dealing with the NHS, et cetera.
So there's really two parts to it.
There's the emergency situation, I'm in a car crash, I can't speak for myself.
They're going to take me into the hospital and do God knows what, which is what we all fear, isn't it? So what this does is it gives you a number of tools. First of all, you've got physical tools. You'll see here that we can see each other. I'm wearing this medical alert tag.
It gives you a template where you can set up an advanced decision notice, which is like a living will, if you like. And in that, you can say, I don't want any blood transfusions, et cetera.
No vaccinations of any kind.
You can specify exactly what your choices are and what you do not, what you refuse to accept.
So those are, and also we've just, we've just created this card, which goes in your wallet.
So it's a no blood card and it has all your details so that first responders, A&E staff can quickly access it.
So it's on your medical alert tag.
It's on the card in your wallet.
You can put a folded down copy of the advanced decision notice in your wallet also.
And we've just got a screensaver as well for your phone.
So if the worst happens, you can't speak for yourself, then first responders or A&E staff are going to see one of those things because they are trained and directed to always look for these things anyway.
So those are the physical tools, if you like. And then,
once you join, you can set up your own medical profile. So everything can go in there, what medications you are on, what conditions do you have, if you had any previous surgeries that might impact any treatment you've given, allergies, intolerances, et cetera.
All of those things that will be useful to medical staff. The great thing about this, though, is as soon as an A&E or first responder accesses your profile on My Medical Choice, it sends an SMS alert to your emergency contact.
So straight away, you're designated and you can have up to two.
It may be an ex of kin, it may be an attorney that you've appointed for your lasting power of attorney.
They understand your wishes and they can then take over and speak for you because you can't.
So, from an emergency point of view, I just think it's absolutely amazing and such huge peace of mind for you.
Also, not just in an emergency situation, if you have, if you've got to go and see a consultant and elect to have treatment for whatever reason, there's a really great package which provides you with lots of information to know your rights and also guides you in how to direct that consultation meeting.
You know, because it must be quite daunting for people, especially people like us that are aware of the pitfalls, if you like.
So it really empowers the individual to go armed with lots of knowledge.
There's also, it can help you research alternatives to the procedures that they're gonna be offering you.
Knowing your rights, because they like to keep these things quiet, that there are alternatives too.
There are bloodless surgeries for example. So it's just empowering you to know what your rights are, go along, take some guidance in terms of how to deal with it and if it goes wrong we also have, can recommend advocacy services to help you along. So that's really that side of it.
The other part which I think...
Can I ask you incase before we went on to the blood system, In regards to an emergency, I think most of, most people living in the UK will think, well, the NHS is automatic and that's where you go and you do whatever happens and you pass yourself over into the hands of some strangers you've never come across before, but because they've done a TikTok dance they must be good. So, I mean, explain that because that kind of legal side, that right that the individual has because I think most of public don't really think they have any choice or rights.
No, of course, but they do, and that's it isn't it, it's all about knowing your rights. So it does, it provides court-approved documents, your advanced decision notice and you can, it also gives you a letter, a template letter that you can send your ADN to your GP surgery so they know exactly what that is.
On top of that, ADN, you've got your lasting power of attorney, again, a court approved document.
So this must be adhered to.
I'm not saying it always will be, because we know that people do things that they shouldn't do.
But for me, that's the best protection you can have because you've got legal protection.
You're also very well educated now in your rights because it's all given to you by My Medical Choice.
And I think that's the best thing you can do. It's also empowering to be able to talk to a consultant and let them know that you know your rights probably better than they do, to be honest.
So it's all about educating yourself, isn't it? because you are protected if you know how to use it.
And it's within the system because I think many of us thought, goodness we're gonna have to build a whole health system, how do we do that? But this is about protecting you, giving you rights within the system.
Yeah absolutely, it's how to navigate the system safely and to respect yourself. And that like, that leads on very nicely I think to the safe blood system. It's a safe blood protection system. And I think when people first look at my medical choice, they think, Oh, brilliant, we've got an unvaccinated blood bank, and it's all going to be fine. It's nothing to do with that. This is about protecting yourself from unsafe blood. It's not about, you know, the safe blood bank. That's not going to happen. There's too many restrictions in this country. And even if it did, would you trust it? I wouldn't.
Best will in the world, I'm telling you. There's no way I would take blood, probably, you know.
And in My Medical Choice, one of the options within that safe blood protection system is that there is a database of people, My Medical Choice members, and you can join that. And you can say, well, you know, in the event I need blood, if you can match me to somebody, I personally wouldn't do that anyway, but it's there if people need it. But yeah, this safe blood protection system, it's all about avoiding blood, if you like. And it's for those that choose to reject NHS donated blood or blood related products, such as transfusions. So, you know, it's great.
There are videos, there are blogs that educate you in these things and it's giving new options.
Tell us about the, because I think some concern that we all have, as we've seen the last three and a half years, families ripped apart by the tyranny that we faced and maybe you would trust automatically someone in your family. But, this gives you, I think it was important to point out, the option of someone else being in charge, someone you trust who is awake and understands, because the last thing you want to is go through this, trust a next of kin, a close one, that as soon as you get wheeled into that hospital will be doing whatever the government think they should be doing or the latest BBC headline.
Yeah and also you know, it's very true, you've got to be very careful I think with who you share your ADN with, you make sure it's somebody that you trust implicitly to follow your wishes, even if it doesn't go along with their wishes. You know, you may be next of kin and they don't want you to pass, but you've specifically said in that document, I don't want this, I don't want that. And there's a whole heap of things that you can look at. I've got a copy here.
You know, you can say, I don't give permission to be on life support.
I do not, I will not be given an organ transplant, for example.
You know, skin and bone grafts, I won't be given stem cells.
You've got all these choices, and this is quite a comprehensive template for you to choose, but it's so important, and it needs to be witnessed, and it has all your My Medical Choice details on there.
It needs to be witnessed, but it's important that you make sure that your emergency contact that you're putting on there is fully aware that they're on there, and you don't just put your next of kin, because we've all done that, haven't we?
We just go, yeah, next of kin, and then suddenly your husband's going, oh, what's this?
What's this that I'm on?
So you've got to have those very difficult discussions, but make it very clear that these are my wishes.
So under no circumstances must they be overridden.
If I cannot speak for myself.
And the advanced decision notice and the lasting power of attorney do that.
Now, it may be that your next of kin, if they understand, is on the ADN, but you have a different attorney appointed as your lasting power of attorney, for whatever reasons.
But you've got to make sure that people know how important it is that they're adhering to your wishes.
And they are legal documents, as I say.
But it's difficult, isn't it? because that's it, if you're there and your next of kin is heartbroken and thinks that a blood transfusion might be good for you because they're not fully on board, then you've got to pick carefully, choose carefully, educate them at the same time as yourself and actually they'll probably join My Medical Choice as well if they're on the ball.
I want talk about how people join it.
But can I ask you first, for you, we've all had to reassess many of parts of our outlook over the last three, three and a half years. And this is an area, the medical side that, as again, I said before, people trust, people don't really understand. There's so many aspects of society we trust to the experts. You don't come from a medical background, so what was it like for you understanding what was available and what could be done? Because if you're a medical professional, you kind of automatically know it. You are someone who is not, and therefore you've had to walk through and understand what are the pitfalls and what is available or not. So what was that like for you personally?
I think we've all become a lot more educated, haven't we, over the last three and a half years in medical health, how to keep ourselves healthy, what to avoid, because we are critical thinkers and that's why we could see what was happening. So I'm sure you're the same. I am so much more knowledgeable now and this isn't that complicated once you get your head around it and I think the way that the My Medical Choice team have put this together they have made it as simple as possible. It really is layman's terms. And so I didn't find it that difficult, but you need to invest a bit of time and really go through things. But that's why we've got videos to really cut things down on the website, make it easier to understand key things. But it's all there, but you do have to invest the time. So, and that's one of the reasons I did a public zoom a couple of weeks ago, about this, really just to break it down very simply into the key areas that it covers.
And then I also did, I think you were on there, Peter, but I also did a walkthrough of the website. They have an amazing set of frequently asked questions on there. And really, We've all tried to think of absolutely everything, and I think that we've done a pretty good job of that. I think it covers very concisely and clearly everything we could think of. And we did open up to, Q&A at the end of the public Zoom, and I think I had one question, maybe, that was answered very quickly. So it is all there, and it is in layman's terms, it's easy to understand, and it's all set out really nicely for everybody too. But don't think I can just go on there and in 10 minutes I'm done. Like everything, you need to do your research, you need to put that time in and do your homework.
And this will be, in my opinion, one of the best things that you can do for yourself and your family.
Well let me bring up the website. There is, that's what you'll find on My Medical Choice.
The FAQ section on the top. You've got join us. Now, what does it mean, join us? How do people become part of it? When they click on that, what information do they give and all that for the, what, bargain price of 25 pounds a year?
Tell us about that and how people go through that process.
It's really simple. Literally, you click on that, you're joining a private members association, so you're becoming a member of that PMA and all your data is kept absolutely confidential. In fact the My Medical Choice admins don't have access to the information in your profile. So you click on the link you sign up and then you get a welcome email which has.
Just a whole host of information, including your ADN template, et cetera.
Some great information on how to deal with the NHS gatekeepers, if you like.
So lots of really great information. And as I say, once you've signed up, you then have your own back office, I call it.
So that's where you can store all your information. You can put in your medical profile.
You can put in your emergency contacts. You can fill in your template, ADN, and lasting power of attorney, and then upload and store those documents.
So that's where you manage everything.
And, the My Medical Choice people don't see that. That's yours.
Nobody else can access it.
When the first responders access your information, they can't make any changes to it.
It's just there for them to see and use accordingly.
So it's a really simple process from clicking on the register, and it just takes you through that really nicely with your welcome pack on email, and then your back office to start filling in your details.
All the information you wanna put in there.
It's amazing how people ask questions about data, but yet they, we've just seen the Electoral Commission had a massive hack, all our data gone.
It's crazy that many of us still trust our institutions to hold our data, but have queries on private companies holding data.
It's strange.
It is, but you know what? I think we're all guilty of it because, the terms and conditions are always that long, aren't they? How many of us just go, agree, agree?
So, yeah.
So, can I ask you what has been, have you had any pushback because, again, many of the things that many of us are doing in these times is pushing back against the government, pushing back against what is available.
And that's probably not appreciated in certainly government circles, because we're simply supposed to follow like sheep.
What kind of pushback have you had or kind of criticisms from elsewhere?
Do you know what? We haven't. And I'm surprised. I'm surprised to be able to say that, but we haven't because, PHA is for everybody. It doesn't matter what you believe or, you know, what journey you've had. It's for everybody and we've always been very clear about that and we are apolitical.
We don't get involved in that side of things.
This is about health, it's about empowering people, and it's about community.
So that's what we focus on.
And we are rightly helping to support a failing system.
You know, I'm not interested in taking that system down. I'm interested in building the new for our kids.
And making sure that they can have a life that they deserve, you know?
And yeah, the current systems are broken.
We all know that.
And it's great that some people are actually dismantling those and addressing that.
For me, my way of coping is going forward, moving forward, not looking behind.
So fortunately, and I don't want to jinx us, we've been good so far, not really had any problems.
You get the odd crazy on social media that will come and have a go, and that's their job, isn't it? But other than that, I'd say we've been very fortunate so far.
Long may it continue.
Yeah, you need some trolls. Keep our lives more interesting.
Well, you've not made an impact if you don't collect a few trolls along the way.
Completely. It's 25 pound a year, which is 2 pound a month, which is nothing for what you're providing.
I agree. It's great. And actually, I'm sure you can share this code, PHAMMC.
If you put that in when you register, you get five pounds off your first year.
So it's actually 20 pounds. I mean, for what it provides, that peace of mind, How much can you put on that? For me it was just literally the best thing it really was, and at such a low cost. And the wonderful thing about it, it's a private members association, so all the income that comes into My Medical Choice is used to help improve the service.
First and foremost, but secondly it's also helping other grassroots initiatives.
So, we are choosing to fund different initiatives that are doing great work, that need that support.
PHA needs the support, we don't have any funding. We have very little and we literally have done all this on a shoestring.
I think we started off with £300 and got a website pulled together by the kindness of our volunteers.
You know, we're all volunteers.
But in order to go to the next level, you can't sustain that.
We do have to, people have to earn a living at some point and be able to carry on doing the great work we're doing. So MMC is doing that. It's helping PHA because using our referral code, we also get a contribution from MMC. So really, it's great for everybody. It just means we can carry on improving this. It really is brilliant and working together.
And that's all PHA have ever done from the start is collaborate and support those that are doing really great stuff at the grassroots.
Can I ask you about parents signing up your children also to that, how does, how does that work? This a whole family thing?
That the parents can sign up and then have their children sign up, how does it normally work?
Yeah unfortunately not because, the law in this country prevents anyone under the age of 18 from having a lasting power of attorney, etc.
For me, though, what I would say is you've educated yourself, you know everything now that you need to know about the system, how to navigate it, what your rights are, and therefore you can do a better job of protecting your children should they need to go into that system.
Once they're 18, yeah, they can be signed up, but unfortunately, the legal stuff doesn't work for them.
But then if the parent is awake, then that provides that.
No better protection than mama bear, you're coming after my kids.
You can have a fight on your hands. So I think most of us are like that, aren't we?
So we can protect our children with the knowledge that we have.
Can I just finish by just touching on, I will not do it justice, but I just want to touch on the mental health aspect. With everything that's happened, it's funny that our media and government are a little bit confused at some of the negative effects that it may be having, and that's not even touching on heart attacks, that's just touching on the damage mentally of been cooped up. We had fun with two children, taking them through lockdown, educating them in a flat, in a block in London. And it's not, we don't all have outside space and nice gardens and a swimming pool outside. And that was the few. Many of us did not have that. But yeah, maybe just finish on touching on that kind of mental health issue and the way that people can have help in that.
Yeah, I mean this is, this was an issue before the pandemic, let's face it, we've never had an adequate support system for people with mental health issues, and let's face it as well, it affects us all at some point in our life. Nobody's immune. So it was already a broken system there, was not resourced as it should have been, and we don't have enough experts in this field. So for us at PHA, this is a tsunami that's coming. It already existed, then they locked everybody down and created more of an issue and people are now slowly waking up.
They've got injuries, they're maimed, they're being told, take these antidepressants, it's all in your mind.
You know, it's an absolute, and it's a global issue, obviously.
So we are working very, very hard on this. We have to get safety nets in place to catch people as they fall.
And that's why community is so important. This has to happen at community level.
You have to be able to help people around you. It's not, it can't be done centrally, as we know, because we've already seen that that didn't go down to, that didn't work very well, did it?
So it has to be, but for me, I'm very keen on pushing this with our PHA partners around the world and working together with them and their mental health experts and coming together to create global solutions.
So it's very much a priority to us now.
The thing that holds us back a lot of the time is again funding and being able to get the right people in to do the work that needs to be done. I'm going to do a shameless plug of our
PHA first gala dinner....
Oh yes, that's coming up.
That's coming up. This is why I'm not sleeping currently because I've got six weeks and still got an awful lot to do. But it's going to be a great night and it's on the 29th of September. It's in Leeds at the Queen's Hotel and we've, already got some great speakers. We've got Richard Vobes, the lovely Richard Vobes is our MC for the night. Matt Le Tissier will be speaking as will Kate Shemirani talking about bringing nursing back into the community. So it's going to be a great event but it is a fundraiser because we need some funding to be able to really focus on these key projects, the mental health.
The youth, the youth is another great project of ours that we're very passionate about.
You know, the kids, they've had, we've all had an awful time.
But the impact on the children from mental health to physical is just horrendous.
So we're looking at things in that area to focus on. So yes, if anybody would like to come to the gala dinner, I'm sure we can provide you with the links.
But even if you can't and you want to pledge some support, we've actually got an auction of promises set up, so people can go on there.
We all think, it's like you said, I'm not from the health industry. I'm finance.
But we've all got skills that we can offer. We can all do something, whether it's admin or on the auction of promises, if it's mowing someone's lawn, you know, and they give us five pounds for that.
And everybody's got something that they can contribute.
So it'd be great if we could share those links. And if anyone's listening and they want to get involved, please do get in touch with us. You can do that via our website as well.
And it'd be great to see people on the night, really excited about it.
Well, people can go to PHA website there on the screen, and they can click on that.
The First Gala Dinner, 29th of September, coming up. So six weeks to go.
I really appreciate you coming along, Lisa. It's essential what you're doing, and it's exciting to see initiatives like this springing up, seemingly out of nowhere, because people are awake.
So thanks for joining us today and discussing, not only touching on PHA, but also my medical choice.
And I'd encourage all the viewers to go read up on it.
Most of you will realize it is important. And for those of you living in the UK, click on it.
If you like what you see, sign up.
Two pound a month, it will cost you and use that code. What was the code again?
Put it in and you'll get that five pounds off. Lisa, thank you so much for being with us today.
Thank you for having me, I really appreciate it. And I just want to say you're doing an amazing job just helping to educate people and empower them. So it's great to be here. Thank you.
Thank you.
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Superb conversation.
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
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